Engineering & Pallet Rack Design

Your Partner in Optimized Pallet Rack Storage Systems

In the complex world of warehouse logistics, the right pallet rack design is the cornerstone of efficiency and safety. The NAS Group is your library of innovation for rack storage system layouts and designs, compliant with RMI/CSA Standards. Our engineering team is committed to ensuring you receive the most viable and cost-effective warehouse racking solutions, custom-fitted to your specific needs. As a versatile racking manufacturer, we create warehouse systems that are uniquely tailored to our customers’ applications. Our licensed in-house engineers stand ready to certify your rack distribution system, ensuring full compliance with all permitting requirements and helping you maximize efficiency and storage density in your current rack storage systems.

Custom Solutions

Custom Solutions

Maximize space efficiency with our tailor-made racking solutions. Our in-house engineers craft designs to your specific needs, ensuring compliance and enhancing your storage system’s performance.
Hybrid Innovation

Hybrid Innovation

Leverage our HYBRID RACK SYSTEM for cost-effectiveness without compromising durability. Designed for flexibility, it adapts to your operational demands while prioritizing safety and budget.
Engineering Excellence

Engineering Excellence

From precise AutoCAD layouts to seismic calculations and PSR exemptions, our comprehensive services are marked by certified quality and a commitment to your warehouse’s long-term success.

Your Comprehensive Engineering & Pallet Rack Design Services

  • Engaging in onsite consultations to ensure our designs meet your operational objectives.
  • Precise initial rack layout drawings utilizing AutoCAD modeling for accurate planning.
  • Detailed rack elevation and shop drawings to bring your vision closer to reality.
  • “As Built” drawings complete with rack load capacities, indispensable for building permits.
  • Seismic rack calculations tailored for earthquake-prone areas, if required.
  • Complimentary Rack PSR exemptions where applicable.
  • Ministry of Labour rack inspections and certifications for peace of mind compliance.
  • Professionally engineered stamped drawings, symbolizing our commitment to quality.
  • A limited warranty against defects, assuring the integrity of our products.

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